The Columbia Critic

A place to debate anything we want to. We'll talk Columbia campus issues. We'll talk up the homosexual problem. We'll talk China. And we'll talk without resorting to partisan rhetoric. We may be left. We may be right. But we aren't going to be quoting any party line. We're leading the discussion. But feel free to chime in. Hannity and Colmes this is not.

Friday, February 03, 2006

And the winner is....

I'll admit that I'm slightly surprised. Roy Blunt (R-MO), otherwise known as Mini-DeLay, lost the vote for House Majority Leader, despite hustling for votes over the past months. What this means, with the winner instead being "reformer" John Boehner (R-OH), is unclear as of yet, but I'd venture several guesses, mostly all positive to the general political climate:

1) The Republicans' unwillingness to remain under the thumb of a K Street hardliner who enjoys strong-arming dissenters in the ways of his mentor can is a sign that there is a chance DeLay-style politics can be disavowed.
2) Despite the mileage Democrats could have gotten out of attacking Maj Leader Blunt for his DeLay connections, the appointment of Boehner should hopefully lead to a lessening of the war-time relations that often exist.
3) His name is "Boner". I don't care if he says it is "BAY-ner", the Republicans are now led by a huge boner. yes, i write my own jokes.


  • At 4:15 AM, Blogger Dennis said…

    Well then, prepare to get Boehned.

    And for Democrats to speak about Republican "hardliner" strong-arming is ironic in the extreme. Have you see roll-calls recently? Democrats have been voting with less dissent then Republicans. Although that's because they all agree on everything naturally, though, right?

    Sure it is....


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